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- The CIAPR code of ethics has three parts:
- Part One: Three Fundamental Principles which express cardinal objectives for engineering practice in Puerto Rico
- Part Two: Ten Canons which set forth general rules for ethical engineering practice
- Part Three: Each canon is repeated followed by several practical norms by setting forth detailed rules, practical norms specify and interpret the basic canons. They also set forth specific and concrete rules for professional and ethical conduct
- The CIAPR code of ethics is a stakeholder code. This means it identifies engineering stakeholders, the goods they depend upon, and the duties engineers have in protecting or promoting these goods.
Key Engineer Relations
- The relation between engineer and public is founded on the goods of health, safety and welfare.
- The relation between engineer and client is founded on the good of faithful agency (trust).
- The relation between the individual engineer and the profession is founded on the engineer working to maintain the good reputation and integrity of the profession.
- The peer relation between practicing engineers is founded on the good of collegiality.
Engineer and Public
- Duties arising in this relation are tied to maintaining or promoting the goods of health, safety, and welfare. They include minimizing harm, avoiding paternalism (making decisions for others who have the right and ability to make these for themselves), free and informed consent (the right of those taking a risk to consent to that risk).
- FP1: Deberan considerar su principal función como profesionales la de servir a la humanidad. Su relación como professional y cliente, y como professional y patrono, debera estar sujeta a su función fundamental de promover el bienestar de la humanidad y la de proteger el interes publico.
- Canon 1: Velar por sobre toda otra consideración por la seguridad, el ambiente, la salud y el bienestar de la comunidad en la ejecuci6n de sus responsabilidades profesionales.
- Practical Norm 1d: Cuando tengan conocimiento o sufciente razón para creer que otro ingeniero o agrimensor viola las disposiciones de este Código, o que una persona o frma pone en peligro la seguridad, el ambiente, la salud o el bienestar de la comunidad, presentaran tal informaci6n por escrito a las autoridades concernidas y cooperaran con dichas autoridades proveyendo aquella información o asistencia que les sea requerida.
Engineer to Client
- Duties stemming from this relation arise out of faithful agency, that is, the responsibility of an engineer to remain true to the client's interests. Positively this includes exercising due care for the client by carrying out the client's interests through the exercise of sound, competent engineering professional judgment. Negatively this entails avoiding conflicts of interest and revealing the client's confidential information.
- Faithful Agency: Canon 4—Actuar en asuntos profesionales para cada patrono o cliente como agentes feles o fduciarios, y evitar confictos de intereses o la mera apariencia de estos, manteniendo siempre la independencia de criterio como base del profesionalismo.
- Confict of Interest: 4a—Evitaran todo conficto de intereses conocido o potencial con sus patronos o clientes e informaran con prontitud a sus patronos o clientes sobre cualquier relaci6n de negocios, intereses o circunstancias que pudieran infuenciar su juicio o la calidad de sus servicios.
- Confdentiality: 4i—Trataran toda informaci6n, que les llegue en el curso de sus encomiendas profesionales, como confdencial y no usaran tal informaci6n como medio para lograr benefcio personal si tal acci6n es adversa a los intereses de sus clientes, de sus patronos, de las comisiones o juntas a las que pudiera pertenecer o del publico.
Engineer to Profession
- This includes working to promote the profession's autonomy and independence as well as maintaining its good reputation. Moreover it requires that engineers participate in their professional society, work to advance engineering, be objective and impartial in their work, and associate only with persons of good reputation.
- Canon 3: Emitir declaraciones publicas unicamente en una forma veraz y objetiva.
- Practical Norm 3a: Seran objetivos y veraces en informes profesionales, declaraciones o testimonios. Incluiran toda la informaci6n relevante y pertinente en tales informes, declaraciones o testimonios.
Engineer to Engineer
- This relation is based on the good of Collegiality. It requires that engineers work to maintain friendly and collaborative relations with other engineers by avoiding disloyal competition and comparative advertising and by always giving peers due credit for their contributions to engineering projects and designs.
- Practical Norm 4l: Antes de realizar trabajos para otros, en los cuales puedan hacer mejoras, planos, diseios, inventos, u otros registros, que puedan justifcar la obtenci6n de derechos de autor o patentes, llegaran a un acuerdo en relaci6n con los derechos de las respectivas partes. (Give due credit to colleagues for their work).
- Canon 5: Edifcar su reputación professional en el merito de sus servicios y no competir deslealmente con otros. (Avoid disloyal competition)
- Practical Norm 6b: Anunciaran sus servicios profesionales sin auto-alabanza y sin lenguaje en gaioso y de una manera en que no se menoscabe la dignidad de sus profesiones. (Non-comparative advertising)
- Practical Norm 5h: No trataran de suplantar, ni suplantaran otro ingeniero o agrimensor, despues de que una gestión profesional le haya sido ofrecida o confada a este, ni tampoco competira injustamente con el. (Avoid disloyal competition)
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