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Second strategy – Brainstorming

21 July, 2015 - 11:51

The second strategy for developing creativity, in addition to the set of actions that characterize individual efforts, is the brainstorming technique. It consists in an application of rules encouraging reflection where a group of people should suggest the greatest possible number of unique ideas that can function as solutions, as well as to stimulate ideas in others. Such rules are that participants:

  1. Encourage group mates to suggest all sorts of ideas — the more daring and radical the better.
  2. Do not judge ideas.
  3. Value quantity over quality.
  4. Pay attention to ideas that arise and build on those of others.
  5. Treat any idea as valid, even if it seems silly, impossible, or irrelevant.
  6. Do not censor or criticize their own ideas or the ideas of others.

This reflection process goes through phases in which there are many ideas, and others in which the ideas come more slowly. When the process slows down, it is a good time to review the ideas and work on them. The group reflection can last from five minutes to two hours, although most of the groups work within a range of five to fifteen minutes.