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Alternative approaches: Prototyping

20 January, 2016 - 15:30
Figure 3.4 The spiral approach 

Prototyping is a variation on iterative development, used mostly for very innovative projects, those where the risk of failure is the greatest. Mostly, it is used with new technologies that requires new architectures. The basic principles of this approach were documented in an article by Barry Boehm, and illustrated by the following schematic which gave the apt name “Spiral Methodology” to the approach 1.

The principle behind prototyping is similar to iterative development, with the following two exceptions:

  • Instead of starting with low-hanging fruit, start with the highest risk area. This enables you both to avoid spending large amounts on unfeasible systems and to learn the most from your errors, by making them early.
  • Be prepared to throw away version 1 and even possibly Version 2 of your system. The purpose of the prototype isn’t to provide business functionality so much as it is to learn what not to do.