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Methodologies basic structure

20 January, 2016 - 15:30

Methodologies usually have the same basic structure and share common terminologies. The basic structure of most methodologies will have the following three components:

  • Principlesare the guiding rules, standards and beliefs of the methodology. The collection of these principles makes up the philosophy and the aims of the methodology.
  • Processesexpress the ‘principle’ in the form of stages, steps, and tasks. The processes expound the principles. They contain advice and recommendations on how to proceed and complete deliverables using different techniques.
  • Services: This component may include different formats, they may include detailed documents to elucidate the ‘process’ and ‘principle’ expressed by practical examples, case studies, illustration, guiding templates, documentations, etc. They contribute to the understanding and learning of the user. Services may also include various tools to assist user in completing processes or provide advice and assistance.
Figure 5.6 Methodologies are basically collections of three elements