
Common Spelling Rules

20 一月, 2015 - 17:29

The best way to master new words is to understand the key spelling rules. Keep in mind, however, that some spelling rules carry exceptions. A spell checker may catch these exceptions, but knowing them yourself will prepare you to spell accurately on the first try. You may want to try memorizing each rule and its exception like you would memorize a rhyme or lyrics to a song.

Write i before e except after c, or when pronounced ay like “neighbor” or “weigh.”

  • achieve, niece, alien
  • receive, deceive

When words end in a consonant plus y, drop the y and add an i before adding another ending.

  • happy + er = happier
  • cry + ed = cried

When words end in a vowel plus y, keep the y and add the ending.

  • delay + ed = delayed

Memorize the following exceptions to this rule: day, lay, say, pay = daily, laid, said, paid

When adding an ending that begins with a vowel, such as -able,-ence,-ing, or -ity, drop the last e in a word.

  • write + ing = writing
  • pure + ity = purity

When adding an ending that begins with a consonant, such as -less,-ment, or -ly, keep the last e in a word.

  • hope + less = hopeless
  • advertise + ment = advertisement

For many words ending in a consonant and an o, add -s when using the plural form.

  • photo + s = photos
  • soprano + s = sopranos

Add -es to words that end in s, ch, sh, and x.

  • church + es = churches
  • fax + es = faxes