Online Writing Laboratory (OWL) at Purdue University provides a comprehensive guide to the revision process. OWL is open access, free, and an excellence resource for any writer. Please feel free to consult it anytime during our discussion to go more in depth on a grammatical point or writing tip.
Visit this YourDictionary.com page for a useful article about punctuation marks.
Visit this site for a useful list of irregular verbs in English.
This site from Capital Community College in Connecticut provides a menu of English grammar resources. http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar
EnglishClub.com is dedicated to English learners and those for whom English is a second language—but it can be useful for all of us.
The original (1918) edition of the famous style guide The Elements of Style is available online at Bartleby.com. http://www.bartleby.com/141
The Writers and Editors site presents an article on tact and tone in editing the work of others. http://www.writersandeditors.com/tips_on_tact_and_tone_30805.htm
Merriam-Webster provides a chart of proofreader’s marks and their meanings.
Visit this About.com site for information on designing a document.
For in-depth information on how to present visuals effectively, visit the Web site of Edward Tufte, a Professor Emeritus at Yale University, where he taught courses in statistical evidence, information design, and interface design.
For a wealth of articles and information about typefaces and other aspects of document design, explore the Web site of AIGA, the professional association for design.
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