Overfelt and Hutton draw on the recent literature and experts (Horn, 2009); to argue "if computers in the classroom were the answer, there would be evidence by now; however, test scores have barely budged" (Christensen, Horn, & Johnson, 2008) and "fundamentally, the basic model of the classroom hasn't shifted at all to unlock computers' potential to modernize and make instruction studentcentered. We've got the tools, but are we leading with them" (Horn, 2009). Overfelt and Hutton caution education leaders to guard against letting the tools "lead us."
The authors also suggest there are three dangerous paradoxes technology leaders must face and learn to lead through:
- Technology can improve the interaction and dialogue between teachers and students, resulting in improved teaching and learning ...... BUT it can also isolate, marginalize, and reduce effectiveness in the classroom.
- Technology can offer its power to all students ...... BUT it can also segregate and deny that power.
- Technology can assist with engaging students in meaningful learning and promote higher-level thinking ...... BUT it can also mirror traditional instructional pedagogy.

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