Collection: 21st Century Theories of Education Administration Edited by: Joseph Makolandra, Kevin G. Bezy, Cindy Delp, Brad E. Bizzell, Caroline Wray, Forest Jones, Janet Womack, Dawn Hutton, Asia Jones, Guylene WoodSetzer, Seydric Williams, Nancy Leonard, Ken Nicely, Linda Wright, Robert Pennington, Tracy Richardson
Module: "Leadership: A Practitioners Bridge from Theory to Practice" Used here as: "Pennington, R. (July 2009). Leadership: A Practitioner's Bridge from Theory to Practice" By: Robert
Pennington URL: Pages: 1 2
Copyright: Robert Pennington
Module: "Emotional Intelligence and Effective Leadership: Implications for School Leaders" Used here as: "Nicely, K., Womack, J., & Wright, L. (July 2009). Emotional Intelligence and
Effective Leadership: Implications for School Leaders" By: Ken Nicely, Janet Womack, Linda Wright URL: Pages: 3 8
Copyright: Ken Nicely, Janet Womack, Linda Wright
Module: "Leading in Rural Appalachia" Used here as: "Bizzell, B. (July 2009). Leading in Rural Appalachia " By: Brad E. Bizzell URL: Pages: 9 15 Copyright: Brad E. Bizzell
Module: "Spiritual and Ethical Leadership" Used here as: "Bezy, K., & Makolandra, J. (July 2009). Spiritual and Ethical Leadership " By: Kevin G. Bezy, Joseph Makolandra URL: Pages: 17
Copyright: Kevin G. Bezy, Joseph Makolandra
Module: "Synergistic Leadership Theory" Used here as: "Leonard, N., & Jones, A. (July 2009). Synergistic Leadership Theory " By: Nancy Leonard, Asia Jones URL: Pages: 25 29
Copyright: Nancy Leonard, Asia Jones
Module: "Transformational Leadership and Servant Leadership: Is There a Difference" Used here as: "Williams, S., & Jones, F. (July 2009). Transformational Leadership and Servant Leadership:
Is There a Difference ?" By: Seydric Williams, Forest Jones URL: http://cnx.org/content/m27080/1.1/ Pages: 31 35
Copyright: Seydric Williams, Forest Jones License:
Module: "Leading from Below the Surface" Used here as: "Richardson, T., Delp, C., & WoodSetzer, G. (July 2009). Leading from Below the Surface: A Nontraditional Approach to School
Leadership" By: Tracy Richardson, Cindy Delp, Guylene WoodSetzer
Pages: 37 40 Copyright: Tracy Richardson, Cindy Delp, Guylene WoodSetzer
Module: "Technology in Leadership"
Used here as: "Overfelt, C., & Hutton, D. (July 2009). Technology in Leadership" By: Caroline Wray, Dawn Hutton
URL: Pages: 4143
Copyright: Caroline Wray, Dawn Hutton
21st Century Theories of Education Administration
This Collection, 21st Century Theories of Education Administration is authored by Virginia Tech Doctoral students as part of their requirements for the course, Theories of Educational Administration, Summer 2009. The authors posit that much of the "formal and traditional" theory is not especially applicable in today's complex and fast-paced school environments. The authors are all practicing education leaders ranging from vice-principals, to principals, to central office administrators. The Collection was reviewed by the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration (NCPEA) and published in the International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation and catalogued in Educational Modules and Materials. Professors, Practitioners, and Graduate Students in Education Leadership have full rights to use this material for education purposes.
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