Abbreviation |
Name |
If you know all of. . . |
. . .then you can infer |
∧Intro |
and-introduction |
∧Elim |
and-elimination (left) |
and-elimination (right) |
∨Intro |
or-introduction (left) |
or-introduction (right) |
∨Elim |
or-elimination |
⇒Intro |
if-introduction |
φ ∧ ψ ∧ . . . ∧ θ ⇒ ω |
⇒Elim |
if-elimination (modus ponens) |
falseIntro |
false-introduction |
falseElim |
false-elimination |
reductio ad absurdum (v. 1) |
reductio ad absurdum (v. 2) |
¬Intro |
negation-introduction |
¬Elim |
negation-elimination |
CaseElim |
case-elimination (left) |
case-elimination (right) |
As usual, φ, ψ, θ, ω are meta-variables standing for any WFF.
This is by no means the only possible inference system for propositional logic.
ASIDE: This set of inference rules is based upon DiscTete Mathematics with a ComputeT by Hall and O'Donnell (Springer, 2000) and The Beseme Project .
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