
Integrated SWOT Analysis

19 一月, 2016 - 14:33

Even though a SWOT analysis is fairly easy to understand and apply, it is not necessarily easy to develop a good one. One of the primary criticisms of SWOT is that it leads to a large laundry list of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threat factors. It is also criticized because it lacks direction and focus. The net effect is that strategic planners are not sure what variables are important or where to start in the process. This is particularly relevant in a world characterized by strong domestic and global competition where risk and uncertainty are driven by the winds of technological change, political turmoil, and governmental actions. 1

The quick SWOT approach alleviates the deficiencies of traditional SWOT analysis by drawing on the other analytical approaches looking at strategy presented earlier. It takes the key variables in value and supply chain analysis, the five-force model, the resource-based framework, and the technology-based strategy approach and uses them to drive the SWOT process. The critical variables or drivers that influence the SWOT are listed below:

  • Internal Organizational Drivers
    • Supply and value chain performance
    • Core competencies and organizational resources
    • Emerging technology
  • External Organizational Drivers
    • Threat of substitute products
    • Threat of new entrants
    • Bargaining power of buyers
    • Bargaining power of suppliers
    • Local and world economy, culture, and government influence

Some of the variables influence both the internal and external organizational environment. For example, the supply chain boundary affects the internal environment, but it is also part of the external environment and involves logistics and financial institutions. Similarly, the onslaught of new technologies also influences the internal as well as the external environment. Figure 8.8 illustrates the SWOT template along with the key variables that should drive the SWOT analysis.

Figure 8.8 Key Drivers for Quick SWOT Analysis