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Paradox, reflexivity, and pastiche

15 January, 2016 - 09:49

Postmodernism values the other, the paradox (literally that which is beyond belief), the eccentric (that which is out from the center--the decentered). Thus, the theme here is the questioning, and at times active sabotage, of the normal, the orthodox, the stable, and the consistent. It appears as the active seeking of the abnormal, the paradoxical, the dysfunctional, and the excluded. It is the active embracing of the other--indeed, of others.

On the creative side, paradox and reflexivity are actively employed in pastiche.1 This comprises an often colorful, tongue-in-cheek collage style, or an ironic, self-referential mixing of codes (be these theoretical, philosophical, architectural, artistic, cinematic, literary, musical, etc.).