In response to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks against the United States, the Patriot Act was signed, introducing legislative changes to enhance the federal government’s ability to conduct domestic and international investigations and surveillance activities. As a result, employers needed to implement new procedures to maintain employee privacy rights while also creating a system that allowed for release of information requested by the government.
The act also amended the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, allowing the federal government easier access to electronic communications. For example, only a search warrant is required for the government to access voice mail and e-mail messages.
The act also amended the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The government is allowed to view communications if an employee is suspected of terrorism, and the government does not have to reveal this surveillance to the employer.
It is prudent for HR professionals and managers to let potential employees know of these new requirements, before the hiring process begins.
How Would You Handle This?
Wrong Job Description
Aimee, a highly motivated salesperson, has come to you with a complaint. She states that she had her performance evaluation, but all the items on her evaluation didn’t relate to her actual job.
In the past two years, she explains, her job has changed because of the increase of new business development using technology. How would you handle this?
How Would You Handle This?
The author discusses the How Would You Handle This situation in this chapter
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