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15 January, 2016 - 09:47

In its different forms the e-Learning offers a set of considerable priorities over the traditional teaching: personalized tuition, reduced costs, opportunity for team work, flexibility of the learning material, etc. The evaluation of the effectiveness of e-learning is very important for both - the whole analysis and the improvement of a given system. The effectiveness can be defined by a definite target function, where regardless of its analytical aspect; a given number of indicators are included. Their importance can be defined by appropriate, objectively estimated coefficients’ weights.

The right assessment for the rate of importance of the different indicators ensures an adequate rate of objectivity of the whole process of e-learning evaluation. In this chapter method for assessment the effectiveness of e-learning is discussed. It consists of some stages, which are deeply described in the chapter.

The chapter suggests a 3D model which could be used as a tool for increasing the e-learning effectiveness. It also offers an approach for applying this 3D model for increasing the e-learning effectiveness. This approach has methodical value in line with the idea for dynamic adjustment of the individual learning profile personalization level in the e-learning process.

An approach for personalization of the e-learning with preliminary processing and simulation of the teaching and learning process for priori assessment of the effectiveness and transformation of the existed e-learning content towards the individual student expectations is described, tested and visualized in this report. The presented approach has methodical value, according to the idea for dynamically adjustment of the individual learning profile of each student with the aim to increase the personalization level in the e-learning process.

The success or failure of any e-learning initiative can be closely correlated to learner motivation. This chapter presents a method for defining the Students’ Motivation in E-learning, which uses the main concepts of the Keller’s ARCS Model and the Gagne’s events.