This chapter introduces approaches used to process data related to major business events that take place in an organization, such as purchasing materials, manufacturing products, and filling customer orders. Data from these events are recorded and processed using differing systems designs. As these business events are processed, data are recorded in files, tables, databases, and so on. The management of data comprises two distinct processes—event data processing and data maintenance. Having laid this foundation, we build your understanding by describing event-driven approaches and the various uses of databases to facilitate data management. Throughout this discussion we consider how various control procedures can enhance accuracy and safeguarding of data. Finally, in the appendices, we discuss the processes used in the design and implementation of entity-relationship (E-R) models and databases.
Learning Objectives
- To describe and analyze the major approaches used to process data related to business events
- To describe the major business events in merchandising, service and manufacturing firms
- To explain the complexities and limitations of using traditional data management approaches
- To recognize the advantages of using the database approach to data management
- To be able to perform the basic processes involved in database design and implementation
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