Students need the help of caring principals and teachers, but seldom ask. You must be patient for students to actually ask for help, especially older students. Regardless of this fact, the principal or teacher must always offer the assistance. This proves to be a valuable lesson for the student to begin viewing the principal or teacher as someone who truly wants to help. Time is needed to change some of the negative beliefs that many students have after years of being punished. In time, the students learn to trust the principal or teacher. After this happens, be prepared to help because they will ask for it. Keep in mind that they will forget most of what we say but will remember what we did. Offering and giving help are actions that will be remembered. In a rural school where the administrators and faculty received problem solving training, one instructional aide had cafeteria duty. Basically, she observed students in the cafeteria and tried to keep students under control by giving out detentions or loss of recess time for any who misbehaved. Obviously, the students did not like her. Following the training, she kept one-half sheets of paper with the seven problem solving steps written on them. Whenever misbehavior occurred, she required that they go through the steps with her. A month later she reported that the students now talked to her and seemed to like her. She went from a cafeteria punisher to the cafeteria teacher and the students saw how many students she helped everyday.
Expected Outcomes
- The principal and/or teacher better know and understand students and view them in a different, more positive perspective.
- The principal and/or teachers make better decisions due to increased knowledge and information about the students.
- The students better know and understand the principal and/or teachers and see them in a different, more positive perspective.
- The student takes responsibility for his / her actions.
- The student learns the connection between his/her action and the results.
- The student learns and uses a new appropriate behavior.
- The student experiences the principal and teachers taking the time and effort to help them.
- Students learn to solve problems and make better decisions.
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