You accept the fact that some students possess greater learning skill and knowledge in academics, so you must also accept this fact in social learning and knowledge. You accept the fact that some need additional help with academics, so you must accept that some need more help with behavior. There are few quick fixes in learning to read or do math; neither are there for social learning. The belief that one discussion in the principal's office or one conversation with a parent will fix the student's problem must change to beliefs consistent with what you know about academic learning.
It would be easier to change our perspective of social learning if we did not have to deal with the beliefs of the past. It would also be much easier if we ourselves had received help with solving problems, instead of receiving punishments. Despite these obstacles, it is imperative to let go of the traditional definitions and methods of discipline and focus on the concept of social learning.
The final point to this task is to have a knowledge base to answer questions that arise in dealing with many students and many situations. No book can give you all the answers and it is easy to fall back to thinking that some discipline measure is what is needed. You should always look for your answers in what you know about teaching and learning. What works with many principals and teachers, when frustrated with not seeing any progress is to say to oneself, "What would I do if this problem were a math or reading problem"? Viewing the problem in this light assists in finding the correct answers.
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