As a result of the expenditure, the staff required to operate the building has been reduced from 230 to 86. These employees undertake additional duties, such as the cleaning of the building, but are still able to provide new services such as guest suites, foodservice in the bar, and operation of a wine bar with foodservice.
Despite fears that portion sizes would increase, the reverse was evident. The average vegetable and salad portions taken have, in fact, decreased. Meanwhile, the customer participation rate has risen to 83 per cent.
It is now five years since the redesigned building opened. In that time, the unit has been viewed by 2,500 visitors and has served an average of 1,500 people per day. No further major redecoration or replacement program has been necessary, and there is general pride in the unit among catering staff and customers alike. The employer and the employees now view their catering as something to be proud of; the latter are better motivated and view their own jobs as being an important part of the bank's operations.
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