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- Beatty, Richard W, and Craig Eric Schneier, "A Case for Positive Reinforcement," in Personnel Administration Today, Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1978, 467-78.
- Blanchard, Kenneth, and Spencer Johnson, The One Minute Manager, New York, Berkley Books, 1983.
- Eder, Robert W, and Douglas W Naffziger, "Implementor's Manual" for Personnel Administration: An Experiential/Skill-Building Approach, Richard W Beatty and Craig Eric Schneier (eds.), Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1981, 272-84.
- Education Research, Reinforcement, Warren, NJ, 1979.
- Hamner, W Clay, "Worker Motivation Programs: The Importance of Climate, Structure, and Performance Consequences," in Contemporary Problems in Personnel, Kenneth Pearlman, Frank L Schmidt, and W Clay Hamner (eds.), New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1983, 285-312.
- How to Invest in People: A Handbook on Career Ladders, National Restaurant Association, 1973.
- Non-Traditional Reward Systems for Foodservice Employees, current issues report, National Restaurant Association, 1987.
- Pavett, Cynthia M, "Evaluation of the Impact of Feedback on Performance and Motivation," Human Relations 36, no. 7, 1983, 641-54.
- Slade, Clifford, "How to Design a Pay Plan for Hotel Employees," Lodging, November 1981, 45-50.
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