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- Barton, Richard F, "An MCDM Approach for Resolving Goal Conflict in MBO," Academy of Management Review 6, no. 2, 1981, 231-41.
- Beatty, Richard W, and Craig Eric Schneier, Personnel Administration: An Experiential Skill-Building Approach, Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1981.
- —"A Case for Positive Reinforcement," Business Horizons, April 1975, 57-66.
- Benford, Robert J, "Found: The Key to Excellent Performance," Personnel, May-June 1981, 68-75. Education Research, "Motivation," Warren, NJ, 1981.
- Farrell, Thomas, "Communication in Foodservice Establishments," Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 5, no. 3, November 1964, 15-24.
- Kent, William E, "Taking the Dread out of Employee Evaluations," Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 22, no. 1, May 1981, 47-51.
- Klein, M G, and S P Himburg, "The Effect of a Public-Posting Feedback Mechanism on Employee Performance," Journal of Foodservice Systems 2, 1982, 75-84.
- Kondrasuk, Jack N, "Studies in MBO Effectiveness," Academy of Management Review 6, no. 3, 1981, 419-30.
- Latham, Gary P, and Edwin A Locke, "Goal Setting—A Motivational Technique that Works," Organizational Dynamics, 7, Autumn 1979, 313-24.
- Maddux, Robert B, Effective Performance Appraisals: A Fifty-Minute Guide, Los Altos, CA, Crisp Publications, Inc, 1986.
- Martin, Robert A, and James C Quick, "The Effect of Job Consensus on MBO Goal Attainment," M.S.U. Business Topics, Winter 1981, 43-48.
- Martin, William B, Quality Service: The Restaurant Manager's Bible, Ithaca, NY, Cornell University School of Hotel Administration, 1986.
- "Participative Management Training," Lodging reprint, East Lansing, MI, American Hotel and Motel Association, undated.
- Training Resource Corporation, "Avoid Common Rating Errors," Session Builder 210, Harrisburg, PA, 1986.
- —"Behaviors or Attitudes," Session Builder 245, Harrisburg, PA, 1986.
- —"Coach vs. Judge," Session Builder 238, Harrisburg, PA, 1986.
- —"How Shall I Handle It?" Session Builder 108, Harrisburg, PA, 1982.
- —"Setting Objectives and Standards," Session Builder 113, Harrisburg, PA, 1982.
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