Appendix: implementing organizational climate (a case study) 1
The organizational climate study is a management tool that can increase employees' involvement in their jobs while fostering open, two-way communications. Both results can lead to increased customer satisfaction, repeat business, and bottom-line profits.
Using this tool, you can influence your work group's climate and ultimately that of the entire property. By acting on the results, you will boost the productivity of your work group while increasing its confidence in you and in its ability to get the job done.
There are no easy or instant answers. However, you will have a method for identifying both the strength of your work group and those areas that interfere with its performance. The success of this program depends on your commitment to follow through with action as a result of the survey.
Organizational climate is how your employees perceive the people and things that influence their work. It consists of how they view:
- Clarity: to what extent do employees understand what is expected of them?
- Commitment: to what extent do employees accept the goals of the company and department?
- Standards: to what extent do employees believe that tough, challenging goals are set by management?
- Responsibility: to what extent are employees allowed to use their own initiative?
- Recognition: to what extent do rewards and recognition outweigh threats and punishment?
- Teamwork: to what extent do people trust and respect each other?
The way employees view these items will affect their behavior on the job. If you know what employees think and feel about what it is like to work in your property, you can begin to reinforce the things that help them work better and remove the things that get in the way of providing good customer service.
The climate will vary from department to department, because each group is affected by the different jobs those employees do, the conditions under which they work, and the style of their department managers. There is an overall property climate, however, that represents the combined views of the employees.
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