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Effective content talk

26 July, 2019 - 10:10
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In this Chapter, for example, we suggested ways of talking about content so that it is most likely to be understood clearly, but in that chapter we described these as instructional strategies. In explaining ideas, for example, whether briefly or as a extended lecture, we pointed out that it helps to offer, in advance, organizing ideas, to relate new content to prior knowledge, and to organize and elaborate on new information. In the same chapter, we also suggested strategies about content talk intended for students, so that students understand their own thinking as well as possible. We especially highlighted two ways of learning: inquiry learning and cooperative learning. Table 8.1 summarizes instructional strategies both for students and for teachers, and indicates how they contribute to effective verbal communication about content.

Table 8.1 Strategies for supporting content talk

Content talk by teachers



How it helps  communication

Using  advance  organizers

Statements or ideas that give a concise overview of new material

Orients students' attention to new ideas about to be learned; assists in understanding and remembering new material

Relating new material to prior knowledge

Explicit connections of new ideas to students' existing knowledge

Facilitates discussion of new material by making it more meaningful to students

Elaborating  and extending new information

Explanations of new ideas in full, complete terms

Avoids ambiguities and misunderstandings about new ideas or concepts

Organizing  new  information

Providing and following a clear structure when explaining new material

Assists in understanding and remembering new material

Content talk by students

Inquiry  learning

Students pursue problems that they help to formulate for themselves

To formulate and and investigate a problem, students need to express clearly what they wish to find out.

Cooperative learning

Students work in small groups to solve a common problem or task

To work together, students need to explain ideas and questions to fellow students clearly.


These strategies are also discussed in Classroom management and the learning environment as features of classroom management, rather than of communication. Note, too, that the difference between procedural and content talk is arbitrary to some extent; in many situations one kind of talk serves the needs of the other kind.

Table 8.2 Major strategies of effective procedural and control talk

Strategy for procedural talk

Strategy for control talk

Creating and discussing procedures for daily routines

Creating and discussing classroom rules of appropriate behavior

Announcing transitions between activities

Clarifying problem ownership

Providing clear instructions and guidance for activities

Listening actively and  empathetically

Reminding students periodically of procedures for completing a task

Using I-messages