<http://www.uu.edu/centers/faculty/resources/index.cfm?CatID=13 > This URL offers tips for enhancing classroom communication. It is organized around ten basic topics (e.g. “Organizing Effective Discussions”) and focuses primarily on verbal communication. It is part of the more general website for Union University of Jackson, Tennessee.
<http://www.idea.ksu.edu/index.html > This website contains over 40 short papers (1-4 pages each) on a variety of topics, including many related to enhancing communication, but also some related to classroom organization and management in general. Some of the papers refer to college or university teaching, but many are quite relevant to public school teaching.
<http://www.fhsu.edu/_zhrepic/Teaching/GenEducation/nonverbcom/nonverbcom.htm>This website contains a thorough discussion of nonverbal communication more detailed than possible in this chapter, and with photos and drawings to illustrate key points.
<http://www.responsiveclassroom.org/index.html >This website contains many resources, among which are articles about classroom management and communication, including nonverbal communication.
It is intended strictly for public school teachers. Once you get to the homepage, cliffck on their newsletter” for the articles.
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