Exercise 13.1.19
In these excerpts from her journal, Ms Scanton has observed and reflected on Ashley's learning to spell. Considered her activities as a whole, how much do they qualify as action research in the sense described in this chapter? What should be added or changed to make her activities a full-_edged example of action research?
Exercise 13.1.20
Consider the list of misspellings (or invented spellings) in Document #2. Suggest how, if at all, Ms Scanton might address those misspellings with Ashley. In particular, comment on whether she should make time to work with Ashley in the same way that she did in Document #1. Assuming that she does make time, how she might set priorities about which word(s) to focus on if she does not have time to deal with them all?
Exercise 13.1.21
Suppose that Ms Scanton does not have time to review every misspelled word with Ashley. How else could she address Ashley's spelling problems? Consider briefly how she might use each of the following: (1) peer tutor, (2) classroom computer, (3) homework. Comment on how Ms Scanton might collect information about each of these strategies.
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