Once you have identified the individuals with whom you would like to network or contact, think about how you would like to contact them. Great care should be taken with this step because first impressions matter. Things to consider include the following:
- Do you know anyone who can make a warm introduction? Cold contacts are clearly not as effective as an introduction from someone who knows both parties. If you are fortunate enough to have such a contact, approach them to make the connection. Never ask for a job. Instead, ask that they make an introduction.
People you already know can make introductions:
- Friends and family
- Current or past employees of the company (this includes classmates who have interned at companies of interest)
- Peers at school
- Career services
- Other school contacts, including professors, administrators, and so on
- If you must make a cold contact, your research can be used to impress. In a cover letter, you may write intelligently and compellingly about how you can be instrumental in the company because you can do x, y, or z. Be specific about your knowledge of the company, the departments, and the company’s competitors.
Know why another company is challenging them, or why they are clearly the industry leader with no close second. Refer to *** Step 2 (Continued): Create a Compelling Marketing Campaign, Part II: Cover Letter, Pitch, and Online Profile", part II of this textbook, for complete information on how to write a compelling cover letter.
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