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Establish a Routine to Follow the Day of the Interview

26 November, 2015 - 12:19

The most successful interviewees have a routine that includes the following:

  1. Set two alarm clocks to make sure you wake up early enough to have plenty of time to get ready for the day.
  2. Have your interview suit ready to go, your shoes polished, a portfolio with two to three copies of your résumé and a working pen, and five to seven questions already written down.
  3. Arrive at least thirty minutes in advance to avoid the slightest possibility of being late. You may wait in your car or a coffee shop until fifteen minutes before the interview. You don’t want to let the interviewer know you are there thirty to forty-five minutes early.
  4. Read or listen to something inspirational before your interview.
  5. Carry a small bottle of water in your briefcase in case your mouth gets dry.