If you have been getting interviews and getting called back, then clearly you are doing something right because prospective employers are interested. But if there have already been several companies where you have been the bridesmaid but never the bride, then there could be a problem during the later stages of interviewing that is hindering your ability to close. Hiring is subjective, so if you lose one or two offers, that is to be expected and may be through no fault of your own. But three or more lost offers, especially if you went far along the process for all of them, could signal a problem.
- The hiring process includes candidate identification, interviewing, and hiring. At any of these stages, there can be problems for the job seeker.
- You should measure the results of your networking and interviewing on a regular basis to see how you are doing at the identification, interviewing, and hiring stages.
1. At what stage are you stuck in the job search process? If you haven’t started your job search yet, put reminders on your calendar during the time you intend to do your job search to troubleshoot according to the three stages.
2. As you have been reviewing your data capture so far, what data, if any, is missing that you should add to your search going forward?
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