
Problem 2.31

6 十一月, 2015 - 15:39
Suppose we have a list of numbers x_1,...x_n, and we wish to find some number q that is as close as possible to as many of the x_i as possible. To make this a mathematically precise goal, we need to define some numerical measure of this closeness. Suppose we let h=(x_1-q)^2+...+(x_n-q)^2, which can also be notated using \sum, uppercase Greek sigma, as h=\sum{ }_{i=1}^n(x_i-q)^2. Then minimizing h can be used as a definition of optimal closeness. (Why would we not want to use h=\sum{ }_{i=1}^n(x_i-q)?) Prove that the value of q that minimizes h is the average of the x_i.