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Technology Newness

16 December, 2015 - 15:34

Recall that this category refers to the technology that is part of the project. It might be new technology that is being implemented to make a step change in the efficiency of an operation. Refer to the following descriptions for tips on arriving at a DPCI score for technology newness:

  1. The technology is not new. It has been around for years and is reliable.
  2. The technology is only a few years old. Most of the initial bugs are out of it, but the fixes have not been thoroughly tested.
  3. The technology is recent, and only a few other organizations have experience with it. The providers promise that the next release or version will have the problems resolved.
  4. The technology is new and has just been released for general use. Problems are likely.
  5. The technology is in an early testing phase, and your organization is one of the test sites. Problems are expected.