- Identify factors that determine which type of contract to select.
- Describe the types of fixed cost contracts.
- Describe the types of cost reimbursable contracts.
An agreement between the organization and an outside provider of a service or materials is a legal contract. To limit misunderstandings and make them more enforceable, contracts are usually written documents that describe the obligations of both parties.
Because legal agreements often create risk for the parent organization, procurement activities are often guided by the policies and procedures of the parent organization. After the project management team develops an understanding of what portions of the project work will be outsourced and defines the type of relationships that are needed to support the project execution plan, the procurement team begins to develop the contracting plan. On smaller, less complex projects, the contract development and execution is typically managed through the parent company or by a part-time person assigned to the project. On larger, more complex projects, the procurement team can consist of work teams within the procurement function with special expertise in contracting. The contract plan defines the relationship between the project and the subcontractors (supplier, vendor, or partner) and also defines a process for making changes in the agreement to accommodate changes that will occur on the project. This change management process is similar to the change management process used with the project agreement with the project client.
The contracting plan of the project supports the procurement approach of the project. The following are some factors to consider when selecting the type of contract:
- The uncertainty of the scope of work needed
- The party assuming the risk of unexpected cost increases
- The importance of meeting the scheduled milestone dates
- The need for predictable project costs
There are several types of contracting approaches and each supports different project environments and project approaches. The legal contracts that support the procurement plan consist of two general types of contract: the fixed price and the cost reimbursable contracts, with variations on each main type.
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