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Methodologies, Tools and New Developments for E-Learning
Edited by Dr. Elvis Pontes
ISBN 978-953-51-0029-4
Hard cover, 332 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 03, February, 2012
Published in print edition February, 2012
With the resources provided by communication technologies, E-learning has been employed in multiple universities, as well as in wide range of training centers and schools. This book presents a structured collection of chapters, dealing with the subject and stressing the importance of E-learning. It shows the evolution of E-learning, with discussion about tools, methodologies, improvements and new possibilities for long-distance learning. The book is divided into three sections and their respective chapters refer to three macro areas. The first section of the book covers methodologies and tools applied for E-learning, considering collaborative methodologies and specific environments. The second section is about E-learning assessment, highlighting studies about E-learning features and evaluations for different methodologies. The last section deals with the new developments in E-learning, emphasizing subjects like knowledge building in virtual environments, new proposals for architectures in tutoring systems, and case studies.
How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Teodora Bakardjieva and Boyka Gradinarova (2012). Wikis and Blogs in E-Learning Context, Methodologies,Tools and New Developments for E-Learning, Dr. Elvis Pontes (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0029-4, InTech, Available from:
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