For defining the efficiency of the different forms of e-learning some groups of indicators have to be defined. These indicators may be used not only for evaluation the effectiveness of existed e-learning platforms but also for designing and implementation of new ones. In this method the following basic groups of indicators are used (Todorova & Todorov 2004; Valcheva & Todorova, 2005a):
- Software group of indicators;
- Hardware group of indicators;
- Didactical group of indicators;
- Communications group of indicators;
- Information group of indicators.
The offered system of indicators is open and its content can be changed and modified depending on the concrete applications and goals of the education. In the following tables are presented the indicators within each group.
Indicator |
Description |
1.Personalized teaching |
The tools for self-teaching helps the students to study according to their capabilities and free time, to choose the form and the way of providing the material om the basis of their own predilections; |
2.Interoperability |
To support content from different sources and multiple vendors’ hardware / software solutions, the system should be based on open industry standards for Web deployments (XML, SOAP or AQQ) and support the major learning standards (AICC, SCORM, IMS and IEEE); |
3.Reliability |
To give acceptable results even if there is invalid inputs. The assessment gives an opportunity refusals and situations that involve refusals to be predicate; |
4.Flexibility |
To exit an opportunity for changes in the content |
5.Portability |
To be independent from the users’ operating system and to be used by widespread browser such as Internet Explorer, Netscape Communicator etc. |
6.Functionality |
To be useful; |
7.Accountability |
The classifying, testing and the assessment have to be automated in such a way that the participants to be distributed according to their responsibilities in the process of learning; |
8.Security |
The system should selectively limit and control access to online content and resources for its diverse user community; |
9.Costs indicator |
Measures the costs for purchasing the system, its exploitation and support, etc.; |
Indicator |
1.Parameters of the micro-processor; |
2.The memory capacity; |
3.The speed of the Internet access; |
4.Presence of additional multimedia hardware components that gives an opportunity for usage of multimedia application. |
Indicator |
1.The material should be presented in a logical sequence. Broken into small, incremental learning steps; |
2.The material should be linked to other sources, with reading assignments clearly specified; |
3.The material should be illustrated by examples and / or case studies when new information is presented. |
4.Encouragement for critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving; |
5.Relation to other material the learners may be studied or experiences they may have had; |
6.Usage of illustrations , photographs, animation, and other forms of multimedia in order to present facts and reinforce concepts; |
7.Abbreviations and symbols are defined; |
8.Appropriate language level for the intended audience. |
Indicator |
1.Opportunity for team work; |
2.Opportunity for communication by e-mail; |
3.Oppoertunity for communication by on-line conferences, discussions, chat, etc; |
4.Multilanuage support. |
Indicator |
Description |
1.Usefulness |
Depends on the concrete goals, interests, motivation and knowledge of the student; |
2.User satisfaction |
The information is evaluated according to the user gratification; |
3.Information value |
It depend on the extent of its authenticity, actuality and clearness. |
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