Another important model for e-Learning systems development is the domain model. It is useful for to provide a repository of learning objects (LO), e.g. a software system which stores educational resources and their metadata, and provides some kind of interface for accessing and retrieving them. As the domain model is a representation of the objects in a domain and their interrelationships. Therefore, in the domain model we should find not only the Learning Objects, but also, with what would be most important, this model should provide their associated semantics (Baker, 2006). With this information it is possible to support the educational content recovery effort and access.
The amount of educational content available in digital form necessitates the use of models that facilitate the creation, interoperability and distribution of such content through the most common means of communication, the Web. As in any other area of computing (and what is not computer), standardization facilitates the integration of heterogeneous elements and avoids as much as headaches for users. In the case of e-Learning standardization allows us to work with different suppliers or sources of content and tools, promotes reuse, etc. by saving costs and time, for both suppliers and customers content. Thus, and as discussed in the task model section, our first steps to make a reasonable proposal of our domain model became available is by identifying the relation between to identify since our standards and proposals related to e-Learning refers. In this sense we identified several e-Learning standards, developed by different organizations.
Among them include the following:
1. AICC developed by the U.S. aviation industry,
2. IEEE LTSC, Institute of Electronic and Computer Engineering
3. IMS Global Learning Consortium
4. SCORM ®, which is the most widespread. Therefore, this standard required a greater level of depth.
Our basic goal in the domain model is to improve instructional planning practices for presentation of Learning Objects (LOs) by using course sequencing technique of ITS and adaptation techniques of AHS (Hatzilygeroudis, Prentzas, & Garofalakis, 2005). The LO is one of the main research topics in the e-Learning. Especially, researchers pay attention the reusability and granularity issues of LOs and instructional quality of LOs. In order to address these issues, we advocate the idea that user interface design and development for knowledge based systems and most other types of applications are resource-consuming activity.
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