The communication module contains single agent – the interface agent that is responsible for carrying out all interactions with the learner. Firstly, it perceives learner’s actions and forwards them to agents of other modules that need information about corresponding actions. Secondly, it is responsible for presenting all information to the learner. It uses services of the module for this purpose. Separate services are created for each type of information given to the learner, namely, materials, problems, curriculum and feedback. To make the architecture open, the additional lower levels of services are introduced in the communication module. The abovementioned services (for example, material visualisation service) are responsible for presentation of all types of the given information (materials). In case such service is implemented as a monolith component, it’s code must be changed to support new type of materials. For, example, if there is a need to add an audio material the code of material visualisation service must be changed. Thus such services are implemented only as dispatchers that find the corresponding lower levels service that is capable to visualize the corresponding type of information. The visualisation job is physically done by the lower level service. It allows implementing visualisation of new information just by adding new lower level service, for example, by adding audio material visualisation service. The architecture of the module is given in the Figure 12.10.
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