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Performance evaluation

21 January, 2016 - 14:46

For evaluating the performance of the e-assessment system, the authors compared the average execution time for selecting one question, in various forms of e-assessment, using item banks of variable dimensions: of 100, 200, 800 and 1600 questions. Also, the number of iterations and the number of particles used by the PSO algorithm was changed. The bigger the size of the item bank is, the more performing the adaptive e-assessment is (see Figure 8.13). For small item banks, the execution time of an adaptive e-assessment algorithm (PSO for our case) is big, but for large item banks, the execution time is small enough, comparing to other types of algorithms. Also, the execution time for PSO with a lot of iterations and particles is big, but the accuracy of the algorithm is increased.

Figure 8.13 Average Execution Times for the Selection of One Question, in Various Forms of e-assessment, using Item Banks of Variable Dimensions