The main aim of our research is to acquire better results in education based on improving the teaching-learning relation by means of e-learning technologies. We think that an important contribution to a high quality teaching-learning relation have the charm and eloquence of a good teacher. At the same time, it is our belief that e-learning technologies can improve the teaching-learning relations. We may try, but it is very difficult to extend the virtue and charm of a good teacher beyond the face-to-face relation and to include these qualities in e-learning scenarios. The use of Internet as the base line infrastructure for communication is essential, but is not enough for our purpose. It is necessary to transfer the spirit of a good teacher in e-learning scenarios. In our e-learning system, the learner has the possibility to interact with specific Java applets, to select specific values for some parameters, obtaining this way specific simulations and visualizations. As the real teacher is not physically present during an open learning process and the electronic technologies do not contain pedagogical characteristics, we have to simulate a valuable teaching-learning relation and to incorporate the teaching activities in our e-learning software, obtaining intelligent and practical e-learning tools (Prodan et al., 2006, 2008, 2010).
As future work, we have to create new e-learning scenarios and to find new methods for improving the teaching-learning relation by means of e-learning tools. The best way to follow for improving the teaching-learning relation is by using electronic portfolios and bincorporating the e-learning tools in a Moodle based e-learning system. Both the teachers and the learners agreed that electronic portfolios improve very much the teaching-learning relations and provide a better assessment among students than traditional methods (Rusu & Prodan, 2006). Also, our Moodle based learning management system provides dynamic and flexible student-centred authentic e-learning experiences, improving this way the teaching-learning relations.
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