

11 二月, 2015 - 15:02

The relationship between faculty and students has always been one of open and honest communication. The faculty member carries the responsibility of presenting course materials via reading assignments, lectures, labs, etc. The student is to learn and understand these materials. Additionally, the faculty members employ various methods to assess the student's mastery of the course materials. Frequently this is done via quizzes, tests, writing assignments, the completion of lab materials, etc. Academic dishonesty (sometimes called "Scholastic Dishonesty") is the violation of that trust.

Cheating on quizzes and tests as well as plagiarism is usually well understood by students before arriving at the collegiate level of education. Most colleges include adequate explanation in their student handbook explaining well what constitutes cheating on exams and plagiarism. Academic dishonesty often carries some stiff penalties. Usually, the student receives the grade of "F" from the professor in the course in which he is enrolled. The student might be expelled from all of their classes for which they are currently enrolled ("F" in all of your classes) and expelled from the institution (may not register for classes in the future). Sounds harsh, but it is a violation of the bond of trust between the student and the educational institution.