
Detecting Academic Dishonesty

5 二月, 2015 - 11:20

Professors weren't born yesterday. The faculty members of most institutions have individually years and collectively thousands of years at understanding academic dishonesty. Cheating on tests, plagiarism and collusion are not new to us. We share our expertise with each other at detecting academic dishonesty. Additionally, the years of technical computer experience of professors who teach using computers in lab settings is often astounding.

Students have said that they did not think they could be detected or that academic dishonesty could not be proved. Don't try this approach because professors believe that they are slightly smarter. Actually, we know that we are a lot smarter. It amazes us that student don't realize that professors are a formidable force. Don't gamble that you can beat us at the "Academic Dishonesty Game". Please don't take this as a challenge and use it as an excuse to see if you can be academically dishonest and not get caught. We are warning you, not challenging you.