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Concluding Remarks

15 January, 2016 - 09:25
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RS: It's an old saw, but is once again evident in our experience - the process has been at least as important as the decisions. By the time we reached a decision, we had a community that had built some level of common understanding of why this mattered and what we could achieve together. There are many people I could name as pivotal to the work, beginning with the faculty on the FCET, the participants (and for the staff, their supervisors!) in all of the workgroups and subgroups, the institutions who spent time helping us with the assessment by freely sharing information, and our executive sponsors who continue to advocate for institutional support. We have a long road ahead of us and already another fine group shepherding the process of implementing UCLA's first CCLE. To stay tuned, visit .

    Thank You

    KU: Ruth, first thank you for the time that you put into this interview, your thoughtful responses, and your willingness to share your experiences. I also want to thank Heather Chakiris, who leads the World Campus Advising team, for reviewing the text for clarity. I also want to invite comments and questions to this posting. Ruth has generously agreed to follow this posting and to respond to questions and comments posed as comments to this post.