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Trend and volume monitoring

15 January, 2016 - 09:27
Available under Creative Commons-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Download for free at

The second open source monitoring tool we use provides trend monitoring, After looking around we found Cacti 1.

    While Nagios tells us when we have a specific issue/problem, Cacti provides us with the information to understand or diagnose the root cause. In measuring volumes and their trends, Cacti allows us to look across the whole application stack at any point in time and examine critical volumes.

    Cacti is used to measure volumes. If a system can return a number, Cacti can capture, store and trend it. These volumes can be business or technical volumes examples of which might include the number of users logged into the system over time or critical system volumes such as bandwidth, disk space, CPU, or Memory usage.

    When you want to compare historical volumes or activity at a particular moment in time, Cacti can provide it.