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SteveFoerster - September 9th, 2007 at 12:16 pm

15 January, 2016 - 09:27
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I couldn't agree more that OA is a related issue to open educational resources. As the OER movement moves closer to drafting a declaration of commonalities, it's my hope that this will include an expression solidarity with open access.

    In the meantime, I wanted to respond to Gavin's saying that journals will often allow authors to selfarchive to add that conference organizers often are also fine with this when it comes to papers that are to be presented and be published in the proceedings. Recently I was deciding whether to submit an abstract and present at a particular conference, my only hesitation being the stated requirement to transfer copyright. I called the organizers and asked whether this were a negotiable point. It turned out that so long as they were able to publish the paper they were not concerned about anything else, and so my wish to dedicate the paper to the public domain wasn't a problem for them. In other words, it's worth asking, even if a call for papers doesn't initially seem friendly on the issue.