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Derek Keats - June 4th, 2008 at 1:13 am

15 January, 2016 - 09:31
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A quick note for Christine, will come back later:

I argue that an abundance in both learning resources as well as “accreditation” is what will enable velocity. When we provision our own learning, there is an important role for accreditation in its broader meaning as a 3rd party stamp of approval.

    Hopefully I have made it clear now that I agree with this. By velocity I was referring to the speed with which resources get created, likening it to the software world, where small changes to licenses or a project's policies can impede production. Accreditation of resources will create a hoop that not everyone might choose to jump through, thus slowing velocity.

    Accreditation of learning is another matter entirely. There institutions should still play a role, unless we can come up with some other mechanism that is hard to cheat.