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Leigh Blackall - December 12th, 2007 at 3:54 am

15 January, 2016 - 09:28
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Thanks for having me Ken. It is always good to have a chance to vocalise thinking and bounce o_ others. Writing and discussing through Terra Incognita has helped me to reflect on what we are doing, and to identify and wrestle with some of the issues we have. It has been interesting to see what the comments identify with, and to have a chance to expand on points of interest. I hope that in the future more people like you will approach us and we have a chance to develop a sustained relationship in developing resources and practices. One such area for potential collaboration is staff development of digital and networked literacy. The courses we run for our staff (mentioned in the article) are open to outsiders, and we are always keen for guest lectures from other institutions. Maybe this is one areas where we could mutually assist each other.. regards Leigh