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Andrea Gregg - November 10th, 2008 at 6:21 pm

15 January, 2016 - 09:36
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I am a newcomer to the OER conversation so apologies if I'm addressing elementary issues or conflating some ideas incorrectly.

    Cole, in your post you stated that “Lately I have been spending a lot of time talking to people in the newspaper industry to help them understand our students and what they mean to their continuously downward trending subscription rates.”

    My question is, are we re-defining how our economy currently functions in terms of what is sold and paid for? E.g. Are newspapers going to try as make comparable money in an online model to combat the downward subscription trend? Is the idea with Open Educational Resources parallel to a notion of Free Educational Resources? And, if so, how do we (as people employed in large part because students pay for an education) continue to make money?

    I'm not arguing for or against anything here. It's just a question that's occurs to me whenever OER issues are discussed. And, like Ken, I was intrigued by Terry Anderson's Sloan keynote.