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RedSevenOne - September 17th, 2007 at 1:50 pm

15 January, 2016 - 09:27
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Awe - Ken are inviting dissension just when everyone was learning to get along. But really, we have a saying at Camp One, when an issue comes up and no one knows where it is going, we say 'Let it run', that is it as very much a work in progress and as long as we all agree that is progress, there is no need for argument.

    One of the interventions I use is a 1000 Piece puzzle that arrives in an Ice Cream pail. You know there is a picture there, but have no reference to go by.

    I suggest OA is very much like the puzzle with no box, we have points of reference, but no clear idea yet of how they will connect together, only the will to achieve that connection.