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christine geith - March 9th, 2008 at 11:02 am

15 January, 2016 - 09:28
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Amee, Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and some real examples, on OER collaboration. “Doing OER” is a useful phrase for the wide range of creative and collaborate activities you describe.

    It's important that this message be shared more broadly and I'm glad to know that your institute, ISKME, is capturing case studies. As jsener noted in an earlier post, there is not enough out there on use and impact of OER.

    Yet, I wonder how much of teacher, expert and practitioner collaboration is really due to OER. Like Ken asks, above, how important is it to have OER already out there to work from for “Doing OER.”? How much of the “Doing” is using existing materials, and how much is creating fresh? Also, what is it about OER that is expanding the scope and/or depth of collaboration? How much of what we're seeing is due to having access to content versus having access to better tools for social collaboration?

    Though I see it happening, it's hard to put my finger on why.

    - Chris