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wikirandy - December 10th, 2007 at 10:06 am

15 January, 2016 - 09:28
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Hi Leigh, I am breaking up my response in several posts, based on several themes:

1. Your Comment: “So full credit to the foresight and leadership from the CEO and dep CEO” Great! Now, how have you sought to reinforce to them that they have made the right decision? Does this come in the form of summaries, progress briefs, or other communication? Is there some regular frequency to this? Are you continuing to add a dollar value to the savings generated by the migration to WikiEducator? Are there other things to communicate to the CEO, dep CEO? I'm thinking increased flexibility, easier access to partnerships, etc.

    What I'm trying to say here, is that it's important to keep priming the pump. . .keep people energized, caring and involved . . .and feel that they've made the right decision. . .Here's an example: Do you know that in the spring, the US car companies put on a big push to sell cars. . .yet, in the fall, there are more car commercials than ever? The reason is, is that the car companies want to make sure that the people who buy their cars are actually happy with their purchase. They know, that the average person buys 5-7 cars during their lifetime. . .which means big bucks to them. . .when you leave one car company for another, you're likely NEVER to come back. . .so these car companies put a lot of effort into making sure you're happy with your Purchase . . .and being reminded of the worthiness of YOUR DECISION is an essential ingredient in the mix!

    - Randy Fisher aka Wikirandy