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15 January, 2016 - 09:25

The external time losses assessment may vary in accordance to theirs categories, historical available data and other exogenous factors. Some stops are established for through internal policies (e.g. number of shift, production system closure for holidays, etc.). Other macro-stops are assessed (e.g. Opening time to satisfy forecasted demand), whereas others are considered as a forfeit in accordance to the Operations Manager Experience. It is not possible to provide a general magnitude order because, the extent of time losses depend from a variety of characteristic factor connected mainly to the specific process and the specific firm. Among the most common ways to assess this time losses we found: Historical data, Benchmarking with similar production system, Operations Manager Experience, Corporate Policies.

The Calendar time Ct is reduced after the external time losses. The percentage of Ct in which the production system does not produce is expressed by (1- ϑ), affecting consequently the Lt (2).

These parameters should be considered carefully by system designers in assessing the loading time (2). Although these parameters do not propagate throughout the line their consideration is fundamental to ensure the identification of a proper number of equipments.