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15 January, 2016 - 09:25

OEE is formulated as a function of a number of mutually exclusive components, such as availability efficiency, performance efficiency, and quality efficiency in order to quantify various types of productivity losses.

During the design of the production system the use of intrinsic performance index for the sizing of each equipment although wrong could seem the only rational approach for the design. By the way, this approach don’t consider the interaction between the stations. Someone can argue that to make independent each station from the other stations through the buffer would simplify the design and increase the availability. Still, the interposition of a buffer between two or more station may not be possible for several reason. Most relevant are:

  • logistic (space unavailability, huge size of the product, compact plant layout, etc.);
  • economic (the creation of stock amid each couple of station increase the WIP and consequently interest on current assets);
  • performance;
  • product features (buffer increase cross times, critical for perishable products);

In our model we will show how a production system can be defined considering availability, performance and quality efficiency (5),(6), (7) of each station along with their interactions. The method embraces a set of hints and suggestions (best practices) that lead designers in handle interactions and losses propagation with the aim to rise the expected performance of the system. Furthermore, through the development of a simulation model of a real production system for the electrical cable production we provide students with a clear understanding of how time-losses propagate in a real manufacturing system.

The design process of a new production system should always include the simulation of the identified solution, since the simulation provides designer with a holistic understanding of the system. In this sense in this paragraph we provide a method where the design of a production system is an iterative process: the simulation output is the input of a successive design step, until the designed system meet the expected performance and performance are validated by simulation. Each loss will be firstly described referring to a single equipment, than its effect will be analyzed considering the whole system, also throughout the support of simulation tools.