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Scope definition

15 January, 2016 - 09:50

The target of this stage is the identification of assets and people exposed to the risks and the identification of factors that determine the risks themselves. The definition of the scope has a critical importance in order to evaluate internal and external influences on the organization.

As this analysis requires requires a thorough knowledge of the environmental components (business, market, political, social and cultural issues), it has to be developed for all the decision-making levels (strategic, tactical and operational) and for all the stakeholders. Furthermore, the relationships with the output of the strategic planning have to be determined as the relevance of a risk and the priorities of interventions can be identified only with reference to the targets to uncertainty, while the eventual impact can vary widely according to a proper assignment and commitment of resources.

Despite this stage is found to be of fundamental importance for the effectiveness of the others, in particular for the identification of risks, it is too often executed with an inappropriate level of attention or it is not developed at all.