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12 November, 2015 - 16:53
  1. A diploid cell has   the number of chromosomes as a haploid cell.
    1. one-fourth
    2. one-half
    3. twice
    4. four times
  2. An organism’s traits are determined by the specific combination of inherited   .
    1. cells
    2. genes
    3. proteins
    4. chromatids
  3. Chromosomes are duplicated during what portion of the cell cycle?
    1. G1 phase
    2. S phase
    3. prophase
    4. prometaphase
  4. Separation of the sister chromatids is a characteristic of which stage of mitosis?
    1. prometaphase
    2. metaphase
    3. anaphase
    4. telophase
  5. The individual chromosomes become visible with a light microscope during which stage of mitosis?
    1. prophase
    2. prometaphase
    3. metaphase
    4. anaphase
  6. What is necessary for a cell to pass the G2 checkpoint?
    1. cell has reached a sufficient size
    2. an adequate stockpile of nucleotides
    3. accurate and complete DNA replication
    4. proper attachment of mitotic spindle fibers to kinetochores
  7.   are changes to the nucleotides in a segment of DNA that codes for a protein.
    1. Proto-oncogenes
    2. Tumor suppressor genes
    3. Gene mutations
    4. Negative regulators
  8. A gene that codes for a positive cell cycle regulator is called a(n)  .
    1. kinase inhibitor
    2. tumor suppressor gene
    3. proto-oncogene
    4. oncogene
  9. Which eukaryotic cell-cycle event is missing in binary fission?
    1. cell growth
    2. DNA duplication
    3. mitosis
    4. cytokinesis
  10. FtsZ proteins direct the formation of a   that will eventually form the new cell walls of the daughter cells.
    1. contractile ring
    2. cell plate
    3. cytoskeleton
    4. septum